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Kért forditàsok - Grimoire

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Erdmények 1-8 a teljesböl korülbelül 8
Nyelvröl forditàs
Angol Hello! Your performance at the ST Fest...

Your performance at the ST Fest 2011 was very impressive! I took some pictures, you can see part of them here. If you like, feel free to use any of them and you can contact me for larger files.

Greetings from
"you" stands for a group, not for a single person.

Befejezett forditàsok
Spanyol ¡Hola! ¡Vuestra actuación en el...
Nyelvröl forditàs
Angol Swirl, Heavenly Tears
Swirl, Heavenly Tears
this is a command to be used in an anime fan fiction story. Please, when translated, add the way it is pronounced with the Roman alphabet. Thanks...

Nyelvröl forditàs
Latin nyelv Negant esse eum illuminatum, sed ille non negat...
Negant esse eum illuminatum, sed ille non negat se sanatum. . . . Isti beneficium negant qui factum negare non possunt.

Befejezett forditàsok
Angol They don't recognize him to be illuminated
Nyelvröl forditàs
Francia De Jussieu dans son interprétation est...
De Jussieu dans son interprétation est plus exclusif que ses collègues mais il n'est pas en contradiction avec eux.

Befejezett forditàsok
Angol De Jussieu is more exclusive
Bulgár Интерпретацията на Дьо Жусийо...